For Everyone…

DiversityMC is a network of Minecraft servers for everyone to enjoy. We welcome all people, regardless of their gender, age*, ethnicity, sexuality & religion. Diversity is about bringing everyone together.
*Note: that the server is rated R-18 due to some of the content that occasionally crops up in the general chat. Many of our players are 18+ and we generally do not moderate chat content unless it becomes offensive. While we will allow people of all ages, player discretion is advised.
Community Driven…

We are heavily focused on building a great community here at Diversity. We offer dozens of public farms that everyone can use and enjoy. We also encourage players to start their own towns, inviting others to live with them and help make the towns grow. Events are also held to bring everyone together. Everyone is very friendly and willing to help out.
Come be a part of our growing community today!
Helpful Staff…

Our team of staff are very friendly and are willing to help out with any questions or concerns you may have. They are very active so there is always someone available to help. Staff are well-trained to deal with many situations and will kick, mute, jail or ban anyone breaking any rules.

We are big on rules and one of our biggest rules is no griefing. So we use anti-griefing tools like GriefPrevention and WorldGuard to help keep your builds safe!* Claiming land is easy and you can even let other people you trust build with you too.*Note: our Vanilla server does not use any anti-grief plugins, for this reason we have restricted access to this server to players who are at least Level 4.
Time Based Ranks…

Part of the fun of multiplayer minecraft is the ability to “level up.” Our level system is based on time played on the server.* You will start out at Level 1 and play your way through the many levels (up to 30). Every level has its own perks. How high can you get?*Note: Time is counted when a player is active. Time spent in game but inactive (AFK) will not count toward your next level. Devices, mods, or hacks that keep a player “active” when they are not at their computer and actually playing are called Anti-AFK devices, and are strictly prohibited on our server.
Join DiversityMC Today…