- Respect other players
- Do not insult other players in chat (no name calling, or swearing at each other).
- Do not use hate speech or deliberately try to be offensive.
- Do not use signs or other messages to disrespect other players.
- Please remember that our server has players from many different backgrounds, cultures, political affiliations, religions, ages, genders, and sexualities. You do not have to like or agree with everyone, but you do need to respect them. We will not tolerate bigoted, racist, sexist, etc. players.
- Please save your trash talking for Xbox games.
- No Griefing. No stealing.
- We are not a raid or factions server.
- Do not take things that do not belong to you.
- Do not raid or grief unclaimed builds.
- There is NO excuse for griefing. If you discover another player has done something to you, report it to staff. Do not grief or steal from them in revenge. You will be punished for retaliatory actions.
- We take things like lava and TNT seriously, and players who use them against other players risk being permanently banned.
- Don’t abuse the chat system
- Do not advertise for other servers in chat.
- Do not spam chat.
- Don’t use chat to beg other players for items
- Don’t use chat to insult other players (see Rule 1).
- Don’t use hate speech in chat (see Rule 1).
- Swearing IS allowed, but should not be directed against other players. Abuse of this privilege can be revoked on a case by case basis (see Rule1).
- The official language of our server is English. If you do not understand or read English you will have trouble on our server. Other languages may be used in private messages, but general chat should be English.
- No PVP except in designated arenas.
- PVP is turned off across the server, except in PVP arenas.
- Attempts to circumvent this and kill other players with TNT, lava, falling, traps, etc. will not be tolerated.
- No spawn killing while in PVP arenas.
- No Anti-AFK devices allowed
- Levelling on our server is based on time played. Going AFK is fine, but AFK time does not count toward time logged. Attempts to get around this by building anti-afk pools or devices are strictly forbidden.
- This includes afk fishing farms that prevent you from going AFK. If you type /afk while in the farm or pool or cart, and it brings you out of afk, it’s not allowed.
- Levelling on our server is based on time played. Going AFK is fine, but AFK time does not count toward time logged. Attempts to get around this by building anti-afk pools or devices are strictly forbidden.
- No client mods that give an unfair advantage
- Allowed mods: optifine, minimap, inventory tweaks, chunk borders.
- NOT ALLOWED (and if caught using, you may be banned) Xray, spider hacks, fly hacks, PVP mods, speed mods, water walking, auto-build, etc.
- Respect Staff
- Staff are here to assist you and to keep the server running smoothly. If a staff member asks you to stop doing something, please respect that.
- Do not abuse or disrespect staff in chat.
- If you are in need of assistance, you should ask a Helper first. Helpers may refer you higher up the chain of staff if they are unable to assist. Helpers are NOT here to help you mine, destroy your builds, or give you things. If they assist you in something like that, it is not part of their official duties.
- Respect other players builds and spaces
- Many of our players like to build big, and like lots of space around them to do so. Please do not build close to other players without asking them if it’s okay first.
- If you are visiting someone and they ask you to leave, please do so.
- Don’t grief or steal from other players.
- Don’t break other player’s crops, or kill their farm animals.
- Beware of sharing your account
- If you share your account with another player (such as a sibling or friend) who does not abide by our rules, we may ban your account. Please take care that only YOU have access to your account, or that anyone you share with is fully aware of our server rules and will obey them.
- Obey signs and written instructions
- This particularly applies to public farms. Signs are there to direct you in how to use the farm without abusing the farm. Please pay attention to ALL signs and instructions. Failure to do so may result in loss of farm privileges, jail time, or possibly banning.
These rules are here to help keep our server running smoothly and to help us build a friendly community of players who enjoy building, creating, and exploring. Failure to follow the rules may result in jailing, muting, or banning.